
Global Self-Care & Wellness Programs

A recent research study showed that workplace culture is the biggest roadblock employees face in their efforts to feel healthier and happier at work. Beyond this, refusing to address these critical issues is expensive. In the U.S., one and five adults suffer from mental health challenges each year; and it is costing companies over 200 million in lost workdays along with $200 billion in revenue.

Dr. Gena’s goal is to help make self-care part of the fabric of organizational work cultures and help professionals become more emotionally and mentally healthy. Our practice includes specialty facilitators, coaches and consultants who work with executive leaders and their staff in identifying gaps self-care that could be impacting career goals, productivity and personal achievements. We offer onsite training, webinars and retreats. We also offer programs to support remote teams! Contact Dr. Gena

Start a New Relationship with Yourself NOW — Connect with Dr. Gena Today